I was an empty sketchbook hoarder!

What it is with sketchbooks, that we find them SO preciously, that we don’t even use them!
I agree they are gorgeous, especially the handmade ones, with the incredible paper… But still, it can’t be the 20$ I spent on them? Let me share with you, how I finally overcame this strange mindset and finally fill them with joy and no regret.
Are you a sketchbook hoarder?
For years I have bought all sorts of sketchbooks and even CREATED MY OWN,.. with the intention, that I was going to start sketching one day. They stayed on the shelf since I was afraid to RUIN them with my drawings! They were just so precious. Does this sound familiar to you? Just stop for a moment and answer the following questions:
- How many empty sketchbooks do you have approximately?
- Do you think your drawings are not good enough, and you don’t want to ruin them?
- Is it a question of money? (…I bet it is not)
- Worst scenario, they would be ruined. Can you not afford a new one?
- Have you admired travel journals, in book shops? and when you started your own during your vacation, you were actually disappointed your very first attempts was not as gorgeous as the travel journals of artist that have been practicing for years?
Guess what! THAT WAS ME! … maybe you can also identify yourself with that! But last year, I finally came to the realization:
The only wasted sketchbook is the one not being used!
- Also, I can’t compare my beginning with someones years of experience!
- If I realy think I ruin it, that would be a good reason to buy a new one!
- Even the most experienced travel journal artists have some unhappy pages but they are left out or edited when published.
Starting my first sketchbook
After seriously analyzing my behavior, I took a decision: I was going to fill for the first time a sketchbook from beginning to end, regardless of the quality of the content. I decided it was going to be a workbook where I take notes, practice, explore and improve!
I got some supplies and started finally to draw! Anything! My teacup, flowers from a magazine, whatever was part of my everyday life.
Not long after I started drawing outside, objects in a cafe shop, animals in a park, and finally PEOPLE. The more I drew, the less I cared to be in public and my sketchbook started filling up!!!!! Yesssssss!

So, it is time now to grab that empty sketchbook from your shelve and start drawing with the ONLY guideline:
My ONLY GOAL with this sketchbook is to fill it completely! (I worry about the beauty of the content for the next one!)
You got this! You can post below or on my closed FB group the sketchbook that you will fill. We would love to be part of your journey and cheer you on!
Link to my closed FB group