I can highly recommend to any artist to keep a daily sketchbook. We do not always have time to paint or indulge in large projects but a quick sketch can always fit into a busy schedule.
Why on earth are you doing this?
A completely puzzled market vendor asked me that when he saw me sketching. It really made me laugh at first but when he left, I did ask myself that same question. Why getting into daily sketching? ..but above all logical reasons..
IT JUST MAKES ME SOOOOO HAPPY, to sit somewhere and sketch for a moment lost in my own thoughts!
A sketchbook can be so much more than a place for drawing
It can be your PRIVATE SANCTUARY – TO LET STEAM OUT – a PERSONAL JOURNAL in images and text. It can be a place to PRACTICE, LEARN and make MISTAKES.
How to choose your sketchbook
What to consider:
The first thing to consider is how and where you will be using it!
Are you only creating at home or do you want to pop it into your handbag and create anywhere? Since I am also painting in my sketchbook with watercolor and gouache, so I appreciate thick paper where the colors don’t bleed through the pages. I do not like small wire-bound sketchbooks because the wires get in my way while sketching and it is hard to create double page drawings.
I am using the two brand below as well as handmade journals and a brand that is local (Boesner Aquarell book)
If you are not planning to paint in it only to draw a simple sketchbook is good enough.
My personal recommendation. Have a small light sketchbook in your purse and, whatever size you feel most comfortable with, for home and see how that works out for you.
Don’t pressure yourself
Before you even start, set one thing straight! It will be a place of many experiences and NOT A COLLECTION OF MASTERPIECES! Just content yourself at first to fill it somehow…
No one was born an expert!
The first entry of your Sketchbook
The first page or entry in a brand new sketchbook is a bit like starting a painting on a white canvas – INTIMIDATING! So here a few ideas how to break the ice!
- A playful start is, decorating one page with name, date, phone number and simply play with a few colors or hand-lettering.
- I personally tend to start with a drawing in the middle of the book. It just takes the pressure away from having this nice entry when starting.
- Start with an inspiring quote.
- Take some ink or paint and make a big splash or scribble on a page..lol..that way it is done and you can only do better!
Ideas how to fill your pages
Here a list to brainstorm what tempts you to keep your daily sketching up!
- Draw anything from your everyday life, inside your house. Your mug, a person in a bus, art material, your dog..
- Practice something you want to improve. For example, look up a tutorial on how to draw trees or portraits ect.
- Plan your art projects. Sketch painting or drawing project.
- Draw and doodle from your imagination
- Illustrate a recipe.
- Make collages (it can be from a magazine to simply play)
- Combine your thoughts, with some sketches
- Illustrate your day in a fun little ‘comic style‘ page
For more ideas check out my blogpost: I don’t know what to draw
Blogpost for the drawing below: How to draw a botanical in an easy way
Drawing your EVERYAY – a few examples

Sketching my everyday – Art supplies, mugs ..
Anything in your house or studio can be a source of inspiration. In this case I drew my book binding materials.

Documenting your day or vacation
Sketching on your vacation or even your occupation of the day is a fun way to document your live.

Practicing a skill
I am always learning something new. It can be hatching from a book (Alphonso Dunn’s book in this case) or simply practicing drawing portraits. If you are missing inspiration, concentrate on learning something new.

Sketch outdoors
There is so much you can sketch outdoors. Nature, building or people. I know it takes a bit of courage to sketch outside.especially when people look over your shoulder. But I have made the experience that
It should be fun! Even if some days you only sketch for 2 minutes, that is BETTER THAN NOTHING.
Forming the habit of daily sketching
Begin with a good start and create every day, even if it is for 5 minutes just to get into the habit. Afterward, adjust it to what works for you, every day, 3 times a week. Just make sure it is not something you do EVERYDAY or NOT AT ALL.
Part of forming a daily sketching habit is to find out when it fits best into your day.
- Are you an early riser and will enjoy sketching with a cup of café while everyone else is sleeping? There is actually a book called. Art before breakfast. The title says it all!
- Do you commute everyday? Take your courage in both hands and start drawing on the train or metro.
- What about doing some relaxed sketching in front of TV
- Can you manage to go outdoors and enjoy a sketch in nature?
- Are you a cafe shop person?…well get your sketching supplies into your purse, and enjoy a sketching session in your favorite café. You will have so much fun!
What materials to use for daily sketchbook
Use the materials that you love and that are practical.
If it is simply a pencil, a fine line pen, or watercolor, whatever pleases you.
As you probably know, I can not keep it simple.. I LOVE art supplies and play with all sorts of materials but here some essentials.
Tips on how to keep going
Join sketch groups on FB, IG. Seeing posts from others will motivate you.
Look for a local sketching group or create your own (even one or two friends would be great)
Enroll in a class (online or locally) you could meet others that have the same passion.
Have a few books around that can stimulate you.
Be aware of how you feel when you are creating in your sketchbook. That might motivate you to go back to it over and over.
Personally, it has something meditative about it. Especially in hectic times or during the COVID lockdown, I found it so comforting and also a fantastic pass time, to sketch.
Make it a special moment when you sketch.
Don’t look at it as something you should do but create this special moment for you!
For me it feels like breaktime, a meditation or my moment that only belongs to me.
- Make a cup of tea, light a candle and just enjoy the creative moment.
- Sit in your favorite cafe shop, and just have that moment to myself.
- Sketching in nature feels great. Since I am a lot in my studio painting I enjoy going outdoors and still be able to create.
- Sketching with friends and sketching groups feels a bit like a day trip!
- Sketching in public places (train, market) is a great pass time and an occasion to meet others.
It is time to start you own daily sketchbook!
A 5 day challenge to get you startet! Art Journaling challenge to get you started!
A little sketchbook tour
Join my creative community to share your experience.
Closed Facebook group : Yvonne Morells Art Community
Supplies to start your sketching habits:
Check out my post: