Essential art supplies to be able to create anywhere!

In order to be able to create anywhere, anytime, it is important to get down to the Essential concerning Art Supplies. Make sure they are practical, light, take little space, and that YOU LOVE them. I am not talking about studio essentials but more to create on the go.
These are MY absolute essential to creating on the go:

Linework – and color just with a few art supplies!
Most art brands have two different types of paint quality STUDIO or ARTIST /PROFESSIONAL. I came to the conclusion that I prefer a small set but artist quality, that is highly pigmented, since I like strong colors. My set is a QoR (Golden) but I also enjoy Daniel Smith and Sennelier (artist quality). For the classroom, I have Schmincke, which is a good alternative since I wanted to stay on a smaller budget needing several sets.
Watercolor brushes
Even though I use the water brush with a water reservoir a lot, there is no comparison in using a proper watercolor brush. So, sometimes I take them both along, sometimes just one. I use a Pentel (large) The proper watercolor brushes I have many different brands.
A cup – foldable cup
The good news is, that I do not need to bring anything using a brush with a water reservoir but if I take my regular brush along the foldable cup has become realy handy.
Sketchbooks and paper
I am using watercolor sketchbooks almost like a journal. I paint in it, take notes, practice. It is so much fun to flip through the pages and remember the specific moments. They exist in so many different formats and quality, it is worth trying different ones and see what you like.
I have a small one that is light to t keep in my purse but I do prefer bigger ones with more pages but they are quite heavy and not so practical.
For the line work
I do use more than the essentiels when it comes to lines but what I always have with me is a 0.1 and 0.5 pen (Uni pin or Farber Castell) and a pencil B2 or B4.